Sunday 27 September 2020

Test Crusade Game: The Horde is dead. Long live the Horde.

 I read the internet 40K sites, same as most players. The unanimous opinion was that the rules had seriously killed horde armies. Between the general increase in lethality across the game coming mostly from units just getting more shots, at better AP, doing more damage at better range, the new Blast rule giving max shots when targeting horde units and the multiple overlapping auras, to hit buffs AND damage buffs, the internet firmly claimed hordes were dead.

And from a tournament players perspective (not that I am one), most of them would be glad to never have to worry about facing a horde army at an event. It makes army list design much easier if you only have to figure out how to deal with 3 wound T5 Marine infantry, rather than add on dealing with the same 30 wounds, but in a slew of one wound models. Hordes literally make every special weapon that deals more than one damage a waste of points, and cuts into list design efficiency.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Cion Prime: Crusade Battle 4

 Incursion: The Ritual

The Rival Duo, competing Lords of Chaos who have, for reasons unknown to the Imperium, joined forces are attempting a ritual to summon additional forces to their service.

Strike Force Arastos detect the anomalous energy source and investigate, finding the forces of chaos already in position to begin their foul sorcery.