Sunday 10 October 2021

Tournament Battle 2

GT2021 Strike Force Mission 1-2 Scorched Earth

 In this second battle, the Goffs take on the Astra Militarum. As normal, this lists can be found on this page. 

Horde vs horde should be an interesting match. Let's find out.

Astra Militarum using Cadian Regimental Doctrine.

Bonekleava's Goff Waaagh!


1. No Prisoners
2. Stranglehold
3. Assassination

1. Raze
2. Assassination
3. Stomp 'Em Good

Cadians win the roll off and choose to be Defender and choose Deployment zone.

Goffs put 2 mobs of Boyz in Tellyporta Reserve and the Stormboyz in Deep Strike Reserve.

Cadians win the roll off and must go first.


Warboss, Big Mek and 2 units of Boyz ready to krump sum 'umies.
Not seen is the mob of White Boyz.

Bullgrynn supported by Guardsmen hold the left flank...

...still holding the left flank.

The middle of the Guard line.

The right of the Guard line. Literally takes up the entire table edge.

Turn 1

Guard pushes forward, screening out the incoming Goff Tellyportas.

In the Guard shooting phase, all the indirect firepower from the 2 Mortar Heavy Weapon Teams, the Heavy Mortar Battery anf the Heavy Quad Cannons targeted one mob of Boyz and wiped it out in a stunning display of anti-infantry firepower.

Trying to make use of Cover, the Goffs move forward.

The White Boyz claim an objective.


Guard: 3
Goffs: 0

Turn 2

Goffs call their Waaagh! this turn.

Bullgryn move onto the left obective.

Armoured Sentinel supported by 2 squads advance on the Red Boyz.

Another Armoured Sentinel supported by a squad join in. 

The indirect firepower of the Guard annihilates yet another mob of
Boyz, this time clearing an objective.

Sentinel plows into a mob of Boyz.

First mob tellyportas in to challenge the Bullgryns.

Stornboyz and Zagstruk Deep Strike in the center.

Orange Boyz Tellyporta in on the left flank.

Boyz vs Sentinel continues.

Blue Boyz crash into the wall of abhuman steel and muscle.

Stormboyz take on a second Sentinel.

Orange Boyz take on the final Sentinel.

Warboss bypasses the scrum looking for easier targets.

White Boyz take down their target and claim the objective.

Orange Boyz kill their Sentinel as well, and claim their objective.

Stormboyz overrun their Sentinel as well and smash into the Guard squads behind.

The Blue Boyz are stopped in their tracks by the Bullgryns, 
though they do a lot of damage.


Guard: 15 primary + 9 secondary = 24

Goffs: 5 primary + 4 secondary = 9 points

Turn 3

Bullgryns Fall Back, exposing the Blue Boyz to firepower.

Squads Fall Back from the Stormboyz as well.

The Captain, Aradia Madellan and the Primaris Psyker stride forth.

Blues numbers are reduced.

Stormboyz suffer a similar fate.

Orange Boyz push forward while claiming objective.

And here is their next victim.

Warboss looking at some easy Assassination points, 
after eating a few Smites.

Stormboyz pushing deep into the center of the Guard line.

Zagstruk smashing some 'umies.

Bullgryn take another charge from the few remaining Blue Boyz.

The Big Mek challenges the company 2ic.

Orange Boyz slaughter the Guard squad and are ready for more.

Warboss kills the Primaris Psyker but the Captain stands his ground.

Big Mek and 2ic continue their duel.

Stormboyz finish off their foes and claim another objective.

Blue Botz finally finish off the Bullgryn to stagger into the support squad.


Guard: 25 primary + 12 secondary = 37

Goffs: 20 primary + 14 secondary = 34

Turn 4

Guard Squad Falls Back onto the objective.

Another squad Falls Back.

2ic also Falls Back.

Aradia loops around behind the Warboss.

The Lt Advances toward an objective.

And then orders himself to Move Move Move onto
the objective to claim it.

With the Warboss on 1 wound remaining, Aradia charges in...

...and promptly gets sniped in half for her efforts.

Zagstruk charges the Captain.

Big Mek, who the Guard failed to kill via shooting,
charges the 2ic again.

The Warboss tries to finish of the squad that ran away.

The Stormboyz corner a Lt but fail to kill him.


Guard: 25 primary + 21 secondary = 46

Goffs: 20 primary + 27 secondary = 47

Turn 5

During the Guard shooting phase, they killed the Warboss (with Mortars), the Big Mek (with Meltaguns), finished off the 3 Stormboyz (with lasguns) and the Heavy Quad Cannons killed Zagstruk to complete the tabling, denying the Orks any points in the turn 5.


Guard: 40 primary + 33 secondary = 73

Goffs: 20 primary + 27 secondary = 47


Astra Militarum take the victory! It looked grim there for the Guard at one point with the Orks being so deep into the Guard zone, but superior firepower managed to whittle down the T5 Boyz.

Next time, the Goffs finish their initial round by taking on the Tau Mech Infantry list, a throw back to the heady days of the Fish of Fury tactic. Does it still work? Does non-battlesuit Tau have the firepower to deal with T5 Boyz? We'll see soon enough,

Until next time, happy gaming!

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